Mundane News

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Morning . It is grey out but dry .
I'm feeling sleepy!
I've been taking part in an episode of Das Boot this morning! I discovered that our engine room was flooding ! :ohmy:
I traced the leak to some pipes behind our washing machine. It must have sprung a leak during the last depth charge attack !
It was sabotage! :ohmy: One of the compression joints wasn't made properly ! I'm going to have to get some new gas so that I can solder some new pipework in .
I've been taking part in an episode of Das Boot this morning! I discovered that our engine room was flooding ! :ohmy:
I traced the leak to some pipes behind our washing machine. It must have sprung a leak during the last depth charge attack !
It was sabotage! :ohmy: One of the compression joints wasn't made properly ! I'm going to have to get some new gas so that I can solder some new pipework in .

I think you've used most of your monthly allowance of exclamation marks in that one post @Illaveago .
That's my CP volunteering done. Have photos of all the new fosters, which I'll then put up on the website.

Going to have my lunch in a bit, and then this afternoon I need to get my gubbins in order for tomorrow's judging engagement. And hopefully I can finish my painting. I'll also need to top up the log bins, as I don't want to be doing that when I get home tomorrow.
I'm on the hunt for extra strong toys. Molly eventually rips toys to shreds and starts eating them!:laugh:

She loved these and they are good for keeping the teeth clean, but the tails were chewed off and swallowed within the first hour or so, then the rest got gradually shredded. I'm scared she comes to harm swallowing stuff :sad:

Amazon product ASIN B000HHQ74OView:

Have you tried the Kong ones? They're pretty sturdy. The Yeeeow catnip toys are made from canvas, so might be worth a punt.
I had to crawl behind the washing machine to solder in a short piece of pipe. I was there ages trying to melt the solder . Eventually the whole section came off . It's a good job I bought a new T piece as the old one came away with it . Just having a :cuppa: before trying to connect the pipework back up.
Oh . I found a load of these things behind the washing machine !!!!!!!!!!!. Do they belong to anyone ? :whistle:
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