Mundane News

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Yikes, Sunshine.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Popped to Manchester's Christmas markets yesterday. Got there around 1:30 and left on close at 9pm. We did something like 20,000 steps. Not much shopping at all, but I did get a supply of delicious cheese for Christmas (it won't last that long and I'll have to go back). We had a quick pint at the Witches Tavern then off to Porkies for a 3 meat Yorkshire pudding wrap (my word it was delicious). Then into Hard Rock Cafe to warm up, followed by a potter round Albert Square Markets, another refreshment stop. Then more walking to a bar not far from work (super cheap) where we waited for my daughter's boyfriend, before they headed back home. Off we went back into the Markets, bought the 'cheese' and stopped off at Sam's Chop House for some more refreshments.

Final stop was for some potatoes and cheese with navy mushrooms. Down side was it was closing and there was only half a portion of potatoes left, but they did have 'cheesy bits' so I asked for some, as did the couple behind (saved cleaning the pan).

Really good day.

Brightened up the fact that some idiot had hit my car at the supermarket the day before. I'd man to polish out the scuff and clip the bumper back in, but the idiots have cracked the rear light. Off for super glue today. No note or anything. Typical of most driver's attitudes to other's property and cyclists. No surprise there !

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Trainspotting makes Edinburgh look so attractive. Not.
Maybe Glasgow, then...
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