Mundane News

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Sadly I have known several people like that. :sad: They make you doubt your own judgement. Years, or even decades later, I booted them out of my life.

The above statement falls into the category of "long story short".
Yes . The amount of work I put in to do the job for him, plus he moved the goal post when I started doing the job .
The niggling thing is that whoever finishes the job has the easy bit ! :angry:
Busy day today... Prepped and cooked the fruit for my grape and apple jelly (grapes from my garden, apples from the community orchard), put on a lamb tagine and set some bulgur wheat to soak.

After lunch I washed everything up, then hopped onto the hybrid bike for a utility ride to Littleport - dropped off mum's prescription and popped into the Co-op for milk. Emerged from the Co-op with milk AND two tubs of butter and a pack of pancetta on YS. :blush:

Settling back with a :cuppa: now.

Haven't put the recycling bin out or the black bag, as there's not enough to warrant doing so.
We went to the horse of the year a couple of years ago, the food prices were eye watering & the quality was dire

Most cat shows do a decent lunch for the judges, stewards and table workers, but it does depend on the club and venue. The Siamese clubs always do a good lunch. :hungry:

Big "name" venues always charge through the nose - and that's as true of cat shows as it is of motor racing meetings. Always better to take a pack up as a backup.
The Saga continues...

I visited the workshop this morning to make sure the staff there knew I'd declined purely because of the H&S issues on the schools project, and their response was "We'd actually really like you to come: could you do just the three days in the workshop?" This would be much better from my point of view, so they said they'd suggest that to the boss.

I also wanted to call their supervisor, because she'd interviewed me. When I did I got exactly the same response, so now they will all suggest that further up the chain of command, such as it is, and We'll see what happens.

Actually, this has another advantage, namely that I can offer any other possible employer a regular Monday and Friday appointment rather than saying I can only offer three out of four Mondays and Fridays per month which would be complicated.

So, all prayers/good vibes/happy thoughts you can spare please direct them at the Big Boss, that when he comes back from holiday he agrees to me working a three day week and not doing the schools work...

Well, that sounds hopeful... :okay:
Now on the train to Peterborough, just left Ely station so I'm in @Reynard land.

Unfortunately the bin men hadn't been by the time I left home so the wheelie bin will not be taken in until Tuesday. Also I forgot to cancel tomorrow's milk delivery.

Ah, the Hundred Foot Washes. I'd imagine the road into Welney is a bit... squelchy... right now.

I did wave as you went past - I was the short lass standing by the side of the wee wood. :hello:


Legendary Member
Busy day today... Prepped and cooked the fruit for my grape and apple jelly (grapes from my garden, apples from the community orchard), put on a lamb tagine and set some bulgur wheat to soak.

After lunch I washed everything up, then hopped onto the hybrid bike for a utility ride to Littleport - dropped off mum's prescription and popped into the Co-op for milk. Emerged from the Co-op with milk AND two tubs of butter and a pack of pancetta on YS. :blush:

Settling back with a :cuppa: now.

Haven't put the recycling bin out or the black bag, as there's not enough to warrant doing so.
Funnily enough I got 2 packs of Lamb 'Leg Steaks' on YS today, down from a fiver to £1.25 so I see a Tagine coming later this week :hyper:
(the other pack can stay in the freezer)


Un rouleur infatigable
The radiator has gone on my car. I’m already having nightmares about the bill once it’s fixed. I took the car to the garage and it’s in their hands now. It does mean I can’t take the kids to the one-off MTB skills session I had booked them on tomorrow morning. Mrs LeetleGreyCells has a plan to entertain them instead fortunately.


Legendary Member
I have some leftover roast lamb that wants using, and this seemed like a good way of doing just that. :blush:
Leftover Roast Lamb would go into a Shepherds Pie round here, I keep dropping hints about a mincer attachment for Maz's Kitchen Aid mixer but they're a bit on the dear side so the Kenwood has to suffice for now and it does a reasonable job.


Leg End Member
The radiator has gone on my car. I’m already having nightmares about the bill once it’s fixed. I took the car to the garage and it’s in their hands now. It does mean I can’t take the kids to the one-off MTB skills session I had booked them on tomorrow morning. Mrs LeetleGreyCells has a plan to entertain them instead fortunately.
You tried the egg in the radiator trick?
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