Mundane News

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I actually thought it was your leader hiding behind that then

i thought it was a drunk Kevin ALDI the carrot.The CHRISTMAS must have toy.

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
I've taken in a package from Am*%On for my next door neighbour.

(The one to the right as you stand in the street and look at the front of the houses, so don't fret over which one).

Despite my vigorous shaking of the aforementioned package, I still can't tell what's in it...

Open it and deny everything


Open it and deny everything

Broken glass? :whistle:

Sadly, I had to sign for the bugger. And the driver put a card through their door, the bas^£"d, spoiling my fun.


The parcel is still in my porch.

The neighbour will almost certainly wait until it's bathroom time to knock on the door, assuming she doesn't wait until the first fork-full of my grub is about to enter my gob.


Thanks. These sort of details are important.

When you say street, could you differentiate this from a lane, a road, a cul de sac, and a highway for us please.

Thankfully, I am not insane enough to live on a cul de sac.

'tis a quiet-ish suburban road...


:hyper: not really mundane,i just want to tell you my blu ray dvd of Little Dorrit BBC drams has arrived.This is the best dvd i have ever bought off e bay.Brand new still in it's cellophane wrapping,and on testing it in the blu ray player what picture quality.Stunned to say the least what a bargain.

On further examination i have to say it is not blu ray,i have sent an e mail to seller,but it is brand new and still wrapped up and i am more than pleased with it's cost,i am going to keep it.
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