Mundane News

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Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)

Camembert and crackers in 5....4....3....2.....nom

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
The Asahi Beer company has its headquarters in Osaka, Japan, and on top of the building is a large golden scuplture they refer to as the "Asahi Flame". According to Wikipedia the 'flame' is:

It is known universally among English speaking immigrants as "The Golden Turd"

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
This will be staff only, unfortunately. Lovely people one and all: the problem isn' them but the mahoosive and loud market. Also: Lots Of People.. .
You could always bring them to Normals' Kringlemarkt. Not much in the way of crowding there. All four stalls. But then, you can (literally) turn around, pop on the HSR for $20, and be in Chicago for the really large Kringlemarkt.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Four stalls would suit me just fine. Is there somewhere close by for a drink and some cake?
My local, Maggies. Across from the bookshop. And a vegan coffeeshop that roasts its own coffee.
You could always bring them to Normals' Kringlemarkt. Not much in the way of crowding there. All four stalls. But then, you can (literally) turn around, pop on the HSR for $20, and be in Chicago for the really large Kringlemarkt.

Strangely we seem to have two locally, both are massive and both attract people from all over. The oddest are the Swiss who come in and hoover up expensive souveniers and artwork like sweets.
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