Mundane News

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Merlot had her moments tonight, but now she just wants the sofa, so I had better go to bed.

There's just sofa you can go,but surely that is the limit.
I'm glad bonfire night is over for another year, I have one very chilled out dog that is not phased by fireworks and my other four year old who for the first time ever has been very nervous and upset by the fireworks. He has always been very laid back and not bothered about fireworks in the past, perhaps it something to do with German Shepherds maturing later than most dogs?????
It will go on for a few more days yet.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
It is a cold but pretty morning here with a bit of frost around. The sky is a light shade of blue fading into turquoise with pink streaks of clouds.
In the distance I can see that someone is either feeling the heat or that their window is broken and are unable to shut it, it is at a strange jaunty angle, it's been like it for days.
Nice detail, perfect mundanity!
Somebody pointed out in previous thread that some words have different meanings. The word Wind came to mind as in the blowy stuff or to wind up the spring of a clock. It could become a bit confusing if you were trying to wind a young child and were reading it from a book.


Cycling in the sun
It is a cold but pretty morning here with a bit of frost around. The sky is a light shade of blue fading into turquoise with pink streaks of clouds.
In the distance I can see that someone is either feeling the heat or that their window is broken and are unable to shut it, it is at a strange jaunty angle, it's been like it for days.
My bedroom window is just slightly open but I expect not for much longer, I like the fresh air and the room being cool when I'm asleep. It must be frosty out, as I heard the noise of windscreen blades scratching across ice from the neighbour's car then a long delay with the engine on before he drove off!
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