Mundane News

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Happy St. Patrick's Day, all.
right back at you

bossman brought in cupcakes


Bike ready for more rides.
New chain ✅
New front gear cable ✅
Front derraileur aligned (was somehow slighlty bent) ✅
Chainset and cassette cleaned ✅
Also discovered 4 disc brake pads (1 sintered and 3 semi metalic) among The Stuff. I remember ordering 2 sintered ones (one brake pad decided to break into small pieces out of the blue) but where do 3 metallic ones came from ... :scratch:but they all are suitable for my bike.


Took advantage of the bank holiday to do another fifty mile ride, a slow one as at least a quarter of it was on gravel paths as I rode through the national park and home via the bridle path.

Much more interesting than parades to me!

Although the sad thing is that our parade in the town was cancelled due to what I understand was a stolen taxi knocking down two pedestrians walking home from the pub in the early hours and doing considerable damage to a building they hit in the process. I think the main street is still closed. One of the pedestrians died and the other is still in hospital. The driver of the car is still in custody. :sad:

I'm getting something to eat now and will then be going to the theatre.
It's been a breezy and chilly-ish day here chez Casa Reynard, starting out cloudy, but ending on a very sunny note.

Slept very well, and was woken up by Madam Lexi exfoliating my forehead. Had a kitchen morning, doing prep for supper and loading the crock pot with a lamb-based Aloo Keema. Madam Lexi did the quality control on the lamb, and she has some put aside for her tea.

Had a very lovely luncheon of sourdough toast, smoked ham, the last of the wensleydale, some fruit and a :cuppa:

Spent the afternoon trotting around the garden picking up deadfall and piling it up for turning into kindling and firewood. I have also stocked up the wood bins in the house.

Currently sat with a :cuppa: whilst watching the early evening news. I shall pop out in a while to nip to B&M as I am in need of a Cake Day pressie for a very sweet Miniature Schnauzer who shares her birthday with me. Some Jumbones should do nicely.
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