Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Ever since we moved in, I've been bugged by our gates, propped open with broken hinges. Then my son was desperate to use the drive for his car & decided to replace the hinges. The ones I'd found were either too big or too small, but he thought of boring the holes out, which worked. So now we have some splendid gates.

The hedge needs cutting back, but it's fine, tho' more fancy than I'd have chosen.


Well-Known Member
Inspector Morse used to make me angry when people used the wrong worms and he accused them of being illiterate! I whip out all the plug leads from his 6 cylinder Jaguar and tell him to sort it out.
By the way how many combinations would there be? 6 cylinders, 6 positions on the distributor cap, 2 options of the direction of rotation and where is number 1? :wacko:

It's quite easy to work out. Take the ends of two leads, one in each hand and get someone to crank the engine over. The one that shocks first is earlier in the sequence. I believe it will take 8 goes until you find the correct order. It might take 1 or 2 goes before you are dead though.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Lunch break. Nipped out to 'restore' a low level folding aluminium camping table. I discovered it in my son's shed (my table) but it had a big burn on it from a portable BBQ - these tables aren't for hot BBQ's - wonder where that came from ? Anyway, attacked it with an acidic TFR and a scrubber. It's removed the burn marks, and is useable for a camping stove again !


Well-Known Member
Way out West
It's quite easy to work out. Take the ends of two leads, one in each hand and get someone to crank the engine over. The one that shocks first is earlier in the sequence. I believe it will take 8 goes until you find the correct order. It might take 1 or 2 goes before you are dead though.

Nah - you won't get deaded with 20k+ ignition volts; it's low amps. Been there, got the T shirt, loved it.
You might backfire trying. Unusually, number 1 cylinder is nearest the bulkhead.
  • Firing Order: The firing order for a Jaguar inline 6-cylinder engine is typically 1-5-3-6-2-4.

  • Distributor Rotation: The distributor rotor turns counter clockwise as viewed from above.

  • Timing Reference: Jaguar uses cylinder #6 on compression to set up timing and firing order.

  • Verification: It's a good idea to verify that when cylinder #6 is at TDC on compression, the distributor rotor points approximately to cylinder #6.

Bloke (a while ago), complains about the service cost and price (particularly) of the spark plugs at a garage my step father used to own with his 2 business partners. The company was called Campbell, Schwarzel and Walker. If there's a faint chance that anyone has heard of this company, please PM me.
It was an XK120. Bloke came back after deciding to do the service himself. Bonnet had 3 holes in it from where the plugs had blown out of the cylinder head through the bonnet. Bloke paid huge bill to fix it.


Vice Admiral
That's the gardening done and I've just got back from the recycling centre having managed to get a slot to get rid of all five black sacks worth of garden waste.

It's turned quite sunny but still cold in the breeze, so toast and a coffee next, then I may get a bike out for a poodle.

Will a poodle fit in one of your panniers?
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