Mundane News

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Apparently the IT department is getting quite grumpy about this and throwing their hands up in the air, saying that if we will insist on using these old computer systems, then we shouldn't be surprised that they don't work.

The response from my boss is that if they would get the new system to work, we wouldn't need the old one as a backup...

Had a phishing email turn up on the work laptop claiming to have been sent by a manager. He did suggest it might be the head of ITs P45.
Nice and warm in the sun but :cold: out of it.
It's been a mild-ish and mostly sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

Did not sleep well thanks to lady issues. It's the constant needing to get up during the night to use the little girls' room. So feeling rather tired and grumpy today. Spent the morning doing things like sorting ingredients for supper, putting the remainder of the beef stock in the freezer and checking the contents of my fruit & veg store.

Lovely luncheon of sourdough bread, mortadella, abondances cheese, fruit and a :cuppa:

Spent some time this afternoon splitting logs in the garage, and Antiques Road Trip was watched. I shall have to do some more cooking later, but then I'll be largely set on most things for the remainder of the week.

Now sat by the fire with a :cuppa:
I've got a few, The Silver Ships by S H Jucha, The Lost Fleet by Jack Cambell, The Frontiers Saga by Ryk Brown, all series, seems some writers find it profitable to write their books as series. They're read & still on the Kindle, which is lighter than paper, but does need charging.

The Lost Fleet is one of my favourites. There are various prequel / sequel books, but I've not really enjoyed the ones I've read as much as the original set.

I'd recommend The Serrano Legacy by Elizabeth Moon.
From what I've heard, I haven't read it, it sounds more like a bitter rant.

That's pretty close to where it stands - I think that's part of why the book is unsettling / unsatisfying. I read it because it gets talked about quite a lot in terms of dystopian sci-fi, and the fact it's been made into a TV series. But I'm not sure I'd particularly want to read it again.

The premise behind the novel, however, is an interesting one, and maybe a different writer could've done a far better job with the subject matter.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Definitely not we stayed at his

Still ... there's a cooking opportunity presenting itself nice and hoppily.


My working day was a bit of a disaster as the system we use was down for most of the day. It gets boring very quickly.

On my way home from work, I called in to see the public presentation and consideration for the active travel plans for the town. It all seems very impressive in many ways.

Sadly, there will likely be much wailing and gnashing of teeth from the usual car-centric folks, and it will be watered down so much it will probably be pointless.

I should go for a ride now but I've lost my enthusiasm for riding in the dark. Longer evenings will come soon and the approximate 2.2 mile brisk walk to work and back again is probably more exercise than most took today.
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