Early morning call into the market turned to be a very simple one , very empty and hardly any body about. So quick stop at the bakers for the teacakes and my yearly treat of a current slice or 2. Then off to the pork butchers for large pork pie and ham, then off back home. Took me longer to walk down than to shop. Once home time for a few more jobs , making room for a few more things in the fridge and freezer.
Just finished and MRs 73 came back with the last fe bits for Marks, so once unpack and but away. It was time for sit down and

,then get ready for the baking for Mrs 73 to take to work. So one lot of mincemeat muffins and 2 mincemeat loaves later, time to make a start on the veg prep. Once all done and packed into lock and locks in the fridge it was time for the washing up. All done by about 3pm it was time for something to eat. Now it's a slow evening on the cards as can't do anything else till I collect the turkey in the morning.