Mundane News

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Snooze has been snoozed 💤👌



Our Royal Mail vans are now White not Red anymore! I asked our Postie and he said “they have wrapped them up for Christmas “.

Happens every Christmas they are retails to cover extra demand.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another day when it never really got daylight.
A bit unsatisfactory medical visit where I saw what looked to me like a teenager but I can only presume is actually qualified.
Put me back on some pills I had before but the chemist does not have some of them in stock so need to go back down tomorrow.
A long epistle from my young brother and it seems Shetland is suffering from the same problems as here.
Ferry spaces all taken by tourists and no housing.
One new NHS worker had to live in a tent for a while until something better could be scrambled together.

Our small ferry is running albeit a bit late as they waited on a train from Glasgow to arrive. I presume desperate passengers phoned ahead. They normally get the ramp up as soon as the10 minute check in window closes.

PS some of our mail vans are white as they are hired according to the names on the sides.


Legendary Member
The cloudy morning turned into misty drizzle - but not until I was a couple of miles into the bike ride to my sister's and it had the good grace not to last for more than half an hour. After which it just stayed gloomy for the rest of the day.
I did lose half an hour post shower to a very welcome snooze on the sofa.
Soon be time for this evening's hot chocolate.
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Legendary Member
recipe? over here, we are fond of BLTs (bacon, lettuce & tomato)
In order from the bottom up - slice of bread (with or without margrine/butter), slices of smoked back bacon grilled to crisp the fat, brown sauce to taste (preferably HP Fruity), slice of bread (with or without margarine/butter). Enjoy.
No need for the vegetation to spoil the taste.
It's been a grey, mild and dry day here chez Casa Reynard, although the weather app on the laptop is telling me that apparently it is currently raining.

Slept well. First task of the day was to chop up the rye bread that I'd taken out of the freezer. It is pretty stale, so it is in the process of being turned into bread pudding so's not to waste it.

Next task was getting the cherry tree that ate the bar and chain from the saw to spit it out. I managed to get it to do that, but inevitably, the tree tipped in the opposite direction in which I wanted it to fall, and is now dingle dangling in its neighbour. I think I will need to use the mower to pull it free, but that's a task for another time.

Then back to the garage to re-fit the new chain onto the saw. The old bar had gotten a bit rusty, so I have sanded off the rust and coated the bar in oil before putting it in the sleeve the new one came in. Good to have a spare one in now, as I can now unstick myself from similar situations should they arise. Old chain is pretty blunt, but it's just about good enough to use in a pinch.

Skipped lunch, and went out to do a spot of lumberjilling to a) get ahead some and b) take advantage of the break in the weather - had another downed ash tree that needed dealing with. Half of it rather overloaded the trailer as the base is a good 14 inches thick. I definitely don't need the gym, doing firewood! Had to stop because I emptied the petrol tank on the saw, and the light fades so quickly at this time of year.

Tea & toast was had while watching Antiques road trip. Supper was soup, then egg, beans & avocado on toast while watching SPOTY.

And I won a bay of E auction for a fairly rare stock car programme. I'm surprised I was the only bidder.


I survived another day! Only three days training left now. Our demob happy and soon to be ex-manager called into see us today, and came bearing a tin of Roses. He has no idea what we will be doing next week either, but I doubt he cares are he finishes up at the end of the first week of January.

It's been quite a blustery evening. I ventured out for a twenty mile night ride. Nice and fresh and I mostly missed any rain going around.

I have a couple of selection boxes here for my cousin's two kids that I will be seeing at the weekend and it requires a lot of willpower not to open one and eat it myself and buy more at the weekend!
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