Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I'm currently sat in a Bedouin tent-type double sun-lounger with a private pool.

I would take a photo but SWMBO is also in the tent and is objecting. So I'll have to be sneaky.

Apparently it'll be 36c here today in Igalo but we've a cool breeze. And a tent. Plus the very shallow pool to cool off in.

Edited: sneaky photo :whistle: . Note the 1970's Yugoslavian building behind which is actually a medical centre plus some upper apartments - the country is a mish-mash of modern, old and ex-Communist buildings.

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Pleasant 4¾ mile walk by & near Pitsford Reservoir with the 🐶.
I got nettled & she got a head full of sticky burrs that I'm hoping to get out now we're back home.
I'm about to get on a P13 bus. I've never seen such a crazy route!

one summer I was a relief driver for a company that had route salesmen for ice cream, aka Good Humor Ice Cream Man. every day I took another route for anyone who needed a day off. the regular drivers were supposed to leave me typed directions, street by street. but it was common for them to leave out some of their most profitable streets, so that when they came back to work, their customers would buy more from them. anyway your route reminded me of that
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Vice Admiral
First cuppa is brewing in the pot
Skies are a sort of white fluffy grey clouds can't see any blue

Same here, are we seeing the same clouds?
Warm, humid and very occasionally sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. More work on the archive this morning. Plus I've done some kitchen stuff (including jazzing up a tub of plain cream cheese with herbs and garlic), and sorted a load of laundry. This afternoon's doings will be weather dependent.

Have rearranged meeting up with my motor racing historian friend for next week. A suitable halfway venue has been decided upon, and we will be spending the day at the British Motor Museum in Gaydon.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.
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