Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I'm in West Wickham, in the Bromley-Croydon axis of ennui.

I thought so. I'll be in Eden Park.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
There was a very brief respite from the rain about half an hour ago but it only lasted about 5 minutes.
Did mostly nothing useful today apart from making a fruit loaf with a generous dollop of dark rum.
Fairly sweet so perhaps a bit cake like.
Whatever it is called it does taste good.
I get deeved by junk calls on my mobile from a Cardiff number. This has gone on for a couple of weeks now and blocking the caller only results in another call sometime later from yet another Cardiff number.
I did accidentally turn one on and got an asian voice gabbling something I could not make out. Eventually the word iPhone 13 was audible so immediately cut the call.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
View attachment 698854
Anyone seen any new ones?

Entrenching Tool? I may still have one.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Weather did turn out ok in the end after a bad start.
Did not entirely trust it so went on foot to suss out a possible trike route I have not tried before. Looks possible as the surface is well beaten down without too many sharp stones sticking out. The road bits I use are getting too busy for comfort so I need to explore a bit more offroad.
When I came back I went for a seat at the harbour in the sunshine.
We get a great variety of workboats in nowadays of all shapes and sizes as well as tourist ones taking trips to Staffa and the Treshnish islands. Somebody has also started doing trips round the bay to look at seals probably.
I notice that one local boat is actually called Rathlin Rover and registered in Belfast. That will be the original registration from before they bought the boat.
My first keelboat at 19ft long was registered as an English boat but that was unusual as the original owner was a retired naval officer and he wanted to fly a white ensign. After the change of ownership I was not allowed a white ensign being just a common pleb. Not that I wanted to anyway as it is just another example of snobbery.

I have no boat, but I did, and had an American National Ensign to show my "national character". Mrs. GA always said I was quite the character, all right.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
It's been a warm and blustery day here chez Casa Reynard, and we seem to have avoided all the rain.

Overslept massively, watched the Formula E (ouch, what a shimozzle!), watched some cycling and tennis, and then toddled off to Tesco for a spot of yellow stickering.

Returned with a suitable quantity of fish (haddock, hake, basa & tuna) plus some prawns and BBQ pork steaks and a couple of other gubbins.

Had a steak sandwich for supper, and have just finished watching "Sully". Tom Hanks is just such a superb actor.

Now I'm in want of a :cuppa:

Oh, and Madam Poppy appears to have forgiven me.

See "A Man Called Otto", remake of a European film, quite good. Netflix, I think. Low budget, small film.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Nah, they were here a few weeks ago.
They dug two holes, one in the pavement, they hit the gas main. And one in the road, where they against hit the gas, but also the sewer and water mains.
While still in this hole, one of them decided to have a cigarette. I thought smoking in the workplace had been banned.

I had no idea the fiber optic crew from the area where I work had been sent to G.B.
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