Mundane News

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I haven't changed the time on my clocks yet. I can't be arsed. I'll do it later.maybe

i just set the clock in my me having a dicky fit in the morning seeing the time when half asleep
I got confused during the night when I woke up and limited at the time. 1:09am... What I couldn't tell was whether that was 1:09 am first time around or second time around because it was my smartphone I looked at... :wacko: ended up checking on my iPod. It turned out to be 1:09 am first time around :cry:.

I was left wishing I hadn't looked in the first place! :surrender:
The clock is now playing ball :smile: ...roll on the last Sunday in March!
Of the next time it needs winding up out moving...

My step father had just got the old grandfather clock working correctly after it was moved to their home following the death of my grandfather. It had been in place for 20 years of so. Luckily he saw fit to fight with it on GMT rather than BST... :whistle: whilst it adapted to the change in humidity, central heating and all of those issues related to old wooden grandfather clocks... In fact moving my grandfather would have been easier :surrender:


Leg End Member
I think the excitement could kill me. :rofl:
Gotta go somehow
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