Mundane News

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Whatever is this wet stuff which falls from the sky?
They say it falls mainly in the plains
But it falls on the mountainside updale and down vale too.
My calendar has stated that it's the beginning of June,
Yet here am I donning Wellington boots and sou'wester
Proceeding with reluctant tread towards the door
As rain pelts the window panes of my soul, washing
Away my motivation as the dog looks expectantly
With hopeful eyes towads the door.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
How were they?

Both delightful. I know one very well - I was visiting her in her shop in Darlington and presenting her with pies. The second one was a friend of the first one and called into the first Beryl's shop. She is eighty and I carried her shopping back to her car for her - it was a bit of a trek and some of the shopping was fragile. She was a delightful woman who was a retired classics teacher and knew my headteacher from the 1970s as well as a couple of friends of mine who, unbeknown to me lived in her street twenty years ago. We ended up sitting on a bench and having a long chat.

I also fitted in to pie shop visits today. One on the way to Darlington and the same one on the way back to Leeds.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
....and is there one scheduled for a delivery to Finchley? :hungry:

Mid-October at the earliest. Sorry. :sad:
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