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Midlands UK
We went for a stroll around the grounds of Rocky Towers but couldn't get past the guard sheep

I need a drink after shelling out £300 for them :smile: Age and a high prescription require varifocals and expensive glass to make them less like coke bottle bottoms.

That is roughly what mine costs without the varifocal or age option. A head injury whilst at uni left me with damaged eye sight going from a manageable -2 prescription to a -8 prescription overnight. Over the years a stigmatism has developed to the point that I can't even use contact lenses anymore to correct it. Then add the fact that it is cheaper to add a polarising coating than buy a 2nd pair of glasses (always have the previous set to fall back to if needed) and a single set of glasses frequently costs £272-£325 and that is with cheap frames. I hate going to the opticians!
I think opticians send each lens on an individual trip to Mars and back. It's the only reason for a couple of quid of glass ending up at £240.

Then there's the glazing fee to insure my titanium frames breaking under the stress of a titchy screw being tightened a bit. Good grief!
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