Mundane News

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I wondered where mine was.


Legendary Member
Pulled out the oven to disconnect ready for the new oven to be delivered today. Unscrewed cover plate to terminal block to discover furry foreign body. And I do mean, body.

A mouse had crawled in somehow (can't see any hole it could have got through) in the dim and distant past and most unwisely touched both live and neutral terminals. It would have been an enlivening experience, briefly, very briefly, before the RCD had shutdown the circuit. I don't remember when though.
If it touched live and neutral it wouldn't have tripped the RCD, it would have acted like a lightbulb..........................Albeit briefly.:eek:

Neutral (or live) to earth would trip the RCD.


My Armchair
I'm surprised @potsy hasn't replied.....or has he sent a PM?
I'm not sure who it is you are quoting as my ignore list is quite long at the moment :whistle:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I just saw a milan rouge. A milan is a kite normally but it wasn't a red kite. That appears to be a milan royal. I also saw a robot lawnmower but that doesn't count as mundane.
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