Mundane News

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Midlands UK
I would never argue with a lady! :angel:

:boxing: ;)



I've just spent a happy half hour working out how to change the dates on some photos in Linux. Discovered another drawback to my 99p camera, it forgets the date and time when the battery runs down.
Are you suggesting my wife isn't a lady?


Duty idiot
Leighton Buzzard
I have just bought one of those t-shirt folder thingies as used by Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory
The glass door on the 20 year old top oven in the kitchen has just 'exploded' when I opened it. Went off like a bomb. Glass fragments (remember Triplex windscreens?) everywhere. Cut leg too. Amazingly, can still get a new door, but almost 1/3 of the cost of a new oven.

New oven time then. That wasn't in the budget......

Pulled out the oven to disconnect ready for the new oven to be delivered today. Unscrewed cover plate to terminal block to discover furry foreign body. And I do mean, body.

A mouse had crawled in somehow (can't see any hole it could have got through) in the dim and distant past and most unwisely touched both live and neutral terminals. It would have been an enlivening experience, briefly, very briefly, before the RCD had shutdown the circuit. I don't remember when though.


Legendary Member
Pulled out the oven to disconnect ready for the new oven to be delivered today. Unscrewed cover plate to terminal block to discover furry foreign body. And I do mean, body.

A mouse had crawled in somehow (can't see any hole it could have got through) in the dim and distant past and most unwisely touched both live and neutral terminals. It would have been an enlivening experience, briefly, very briefly, before the RCD had shutdown the circuit. I don't remember when though.
That's shocking.........OK I'll get me coat
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