Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I can retire in 17 years.

today is going to be a long day.
The big 5 0 ?


Mayenne, France
I stopped working 8 years ago at 55. Still kick myself every day....
Do you have to clear up after him?


I think I'd rather hear about @SatNavSaysStraightOn's dog. :laugh:

yep.... what do you think has taken me so ******* long.
I have also had to wash the dog as well. Luckily he is a very compliant dog. sadly he had more than one bout of explosive .... and it is definitely a xx( in both locations and the all in between locations as well..
Tomorrow her cleaning lady is in and will probably have to put our carpet shampoo'er over the carpets.
The bedding is in a 90 degree wash and the dog is not being fed for the next 24 hours whether he likes it or not!
Luckily he is really good normally and has given me warning twice so far today so he was outside on both occasions.
My husband could be in for a long night tonight because there is no way I am going to stay awake. I am already falling asleep!
Decided to change the cassette on my Performer recumbent. Loud crack when tightening up the lock-ring (not over-tightening it either....) and half of the side of the thread in the free-hub broke away. No matter, new free-hub for £25. But the free-hub bolt turns out not to be the std 10mm so it's a non-std Taiwanese free-hub on a Taiwanese hub and wheel (of otherwise good quality). I'll bet that a Shimano will fit - but which one? Decided to scrap the wheel and buy a new 26" Rigida rim on a Deore hub. That way I get a European std wheel for the future and I know what the components are.

What should have been a 20 min job with a new £10 12-36 cassette will now cost me £100 to get back to where I started. Is that mundane?


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
I got so involved being stupid (in a writing sense) that I forgot to have my lunch... just had my Pot Noodle... actually leftovers from a noodle dish I did two days ago. Chilli seemed warmer after it 'maturing' in the fridge... :smile:
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