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Leg End Member
What is a clic glass?
Something like this?


It's OK skin don't leak I've been told
Here comes the nerdy science bit....

Skin is only waterproof for 36-48 hours, after that reverse osmosis sets in and water is absorbed into the body. This only occurs in full submersion. This is why the dive longevity record (some attention seeker sat in the deep end of a swimming pool being fed air from the surface) is no longer considered as a challenge worth taking up.

I know this because my instructor is a commercial diver, has lectured on dive physiology and is an ex navy deep diver, and has many a tale after a couple of pints.


Leg End Member
Apparently so though I've still to workout what the advantage is?:scratch:do you hang them over your ears with the frame open when you don't need them? Or round your neck? I am willing to be impressed as a way to sweetening the bitter pill of having to start to wear glasses more.
Wear them round your neck, modern take on the cord used before. They also do "ordinary" glasses that split in the centre. Handy for getting something out of the other I suppose.


Legendary Member
Merlin (big black neutered tomcat) has just tried bringing a dead bird in, saw me and beggared off with it.


I've worn reading glasses for the last 60 years but I'm struggling to see the advantage with these!
Where do you put your glasses when you are not wearing them?

At school, I have to move around between classes, so I can't put them down in the same place.
At home, I started off with a pair by the phone, which escalated to a pair next the bed, a pair by the computer, a pair in my bag etc. Now I need them for all close work, including meal as I don't like eating blurred food.
Where do you put your glasses when you are not wearing them?

At school, I have to move around between classes, so I can't put them down in the same place.
At home, I started off with a pair by the phone, which escalated to a pair next the bed, a pair by the computer, a pair in my bag etc. Now I need them for all close work, including meal as I don't like eating blurred food.
I can understand the cord round the neck scenario. Use all the time in the garage, etc. Can't quite come to grips with the "join in the middle" bit!


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Helen Mirren has been photographed wearing them as has @User14044.

This is a recommendation?

I found that when I wore glasses on a cord and lent over the children at school, I'd wack them on the head with the glasses!

OH always found that her glasses, hung round her neck, caught the food she dropped.

Saves me losing them plus also stops me putting them in my pocket and breaking them (as I have done recently to two other pairs).

Where do you put your glasses when you are not wearing them?

Why don't you just wear them? This thing that people who suddenly have to wear glasses in old age have is something those of us who've always worn them figured out long ago.

Varifocals are definitely the way to go!
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