no idea but the cyclone (officially one) has been declared a once in a 50 year event!What have you done to the weather in Australia ?
Still awake and on settee. Been in an all day meeting and despite getting up my back isn't good. Hit the morphine as I'm out of codeine.
thank you. Just waiting for them to settle in. Of the original 2, only the white one (Plymouth rock) is still laying. The black one is an Araucana crossed with an Australorp, she has stopped laying at the moment, unsettled by the changes. The 3 new ones, 2 Rhode Island Red and an Australorp have yet to lay, and are also unsettled by the changes. I don't think they are used to being quite so free-ranged as our 2 original ones are. Plus the pecking order has changed... my original top hen is only 18 months old (the black one) and is somewhere between the 2 Rhode Island reds in the pecking order (so number 3) and is finding it rather harder than she is used to...Hopefully in a few days and once I have made a couple of changes to the roosting perches things will settle down a touch. Fingers Crossed.Fine looking chickens there, @SatNavSaysStraightOn .
it's a good pic though.humph again...
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With the exception of the red gum eucalyptus I could have this view in the UK and actually be warmer!
I cant eithercan't sleep.
aye i noticed.I cant either
GWS.I've been awake since two, its now half three, and have finally got fed up with looking at the ceiling and listening to my Good Lady sleep and come downstairs for a brew. My man flu is improving but I'm rougher than an old pair of boots.