Here's a very nice Mitsubishi commercial (They've since closed their plant) The church steeple you see is a gigantic Methodist Church about a mile from my house. I know or have met nearly every one in this commercial. The mayor also owns the bicycle shop. Mr Ropp, the farmer seen milking the Jersey, also has a farm shop with good cheese, which I ride past sometimes.
Promotional film with laughable hyperbole in the narration.
Land is not at a premium, so I have about 1/3 acre of ground, as most people do. I live on a little rise in a cul-de sac in a subdivision. Because I was first there, I chose the little hillock. As you can see, decor of the city is quite English, quite Teutonic, and a good bit of Irish thrown in as well.
I need a ride on mower mainly because I walk with a bit of difficulty, and am no youngster anymore.
I'd have a picture of my street, but I think that's on a file drive in the safe deposit box.