Mundane News

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Off to Blackpool for the lights switch on tomorrow. Not been for years, other than ride the lights. Early start, then a day in the Pleasure Beach as my daughter hasn't been. Hoping to get a fast pass for my son as he has a letter from the Hospital about queue's and his hypo's (type 1 diabetic) - this will at least allow his sister and him to get on a couple of the big rides without a big queue (it's only for two people). I'll only be on the little rides due to my back (looking forward to Wallace and Gromit ride).

We are staying at the Hilton overnight (got a good deal) and then Saturday in Blackpool, and a drive through the lights late on.
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I should have known better than to sit on heather while out hill walking earlier.

My legs are all insect bitten and itchy now!
Oh, and morning everyone. Tis overcast and muggy today, and lots of rain is due this afternoon. Chooks won't like that, but my water tank will!

Managed to fix 2 of the 3 leaks on my tank water system but one remains. I don't think I can resolve it.
Fixed 1 of the 2 main ones on the bore water system at the pump, reduced the rate the other one leaks at. The stop tap at the bore tank is beyond me (I'm also out of PTFE tape now) and then there is the one in the only supported outbuilding (the studio). That one involves rivets to get at the problem, so I'm not going anywhere near it which is a shame because it is a serious leak and we are losing a lot of water from it. They have all been reported but other than a 'the plumber will get in touch with you' I haven't heard anything so am now going to go away and pester the rental agency again. But at least some of the leaks have been 'dealt' with, though one of the ones on the tank water system will need re-dealing with because the rubber O ring seal is too big and has been pulled together using plyers (?) in a hope to get away with it. Ironically that is actually one I have managed to stop leaking for the time being! PTFE tape is so very useful at times!

Right off to find my chooks which are now totally free range. The black one is the leader of the two, but the white one is the explorer. They came back to the chook house 3 or 4 times yesterday (I have to leave the gate open though to the enclosure) and went back to roost at dusk of their own accord, so I'm happy that they are settled and know the way back. The white one is definitely still a bit flighty though and I have yet to manage to catch her, but did manage to touch her gently last night when she was exploring the middle height roosting perches. She jumped a mile mind you, so I didn't push it, but let her watch me stroke the black one. Given that they only arrived on Sunday and I was led to believe it would take up to 2 weeks for them to settle in, the black one was at home the next day and the white one yesterday, I'm happy! and I had the 3rd egg this morning. It would appear that my black one is takes 2 days off when she lays just before dusk... The white one (still a pullet) is also nesting now so hopefully we will have eggs from her in the near future as well.
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