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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
You are not helping.

Maybe a slightly cheaper pair to see a little more than i am at the moment and then i may invest in a posh pair when work give me that big cheque in a couple of years. I also need to keep them small and light as i am likely to want to put them in my handlebar bag for cycling.
Perhaps these would suit better, then. Fine resolution and good low light capability(divide front opticsize by power to get a comparitive quotient, or brightness index)and high quality, Ma'am, for the discerning yet cost conscious.


My Armchair
Someone else has also found it too warm in mancland today :sweat:


I was going to say at that price it is worth getting 2.

But seriously though you can pick up some pretty good 2nd hand binocs pretty cheaply. Swift were a good make, blue ribbon and gold ribbon are the top of the range models. They say that for bird watching it is best to have one that focuses closely. If you do buy an old pair you will need to try them out to see if they are any good, double vision, discoloured lenses, scratches, look through the binocs from the other end to see if the prisms are cloudy.
As they say " You pays your money you take you choice".
Good luck and I hope you get to see some interesting wildlife.


Been feeling rather urgh these last few weeks / months and there's a chance I may have overdone things over the weekend as I've gone from feeling like I can do anything to, well, the absolute opposite. Luckily I've got a doctor's appointment this morning anyway, and have bribed hilly with the promise of Snipe cuddles to act as chauffeur. For some reason they don't like it when I walk into the village whilst feeling like I may pass out?

Hope that they can help you and you start feeling better again soon. Best wishes to you :rose::hugs:


Legendary Member
Is that good or bad?
Neither, I'm collecting the dogs from the mother outlaw and we are meeting part way. She's always late, so it has come as some surprise that she is on time.
Here are some of the binoculars that I have, they are various states of condition. The pair in the front are Army and Navy binoculars and I think they may be WW1, the pair to the right behind them are Kershaw WW2 and the pair to the left are Ross of London 9x35 Stepruva, which give crystal clear images despite being over 60 years old.


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