I've found out that my UK blue badge is valid in Canberra ACT area for 3 months after we take up residency. Then I have to apply for an Australian one which is easier to qualify for, I fall under the needs crutches or wheelchair all the time category irrespective of how far I can now walk with those crutches (on a good day that is)...

it will make life so much easier tomorrow when we go out.
Can you get biscuits out there? My friend that has lived in Oz for years goes mad for them when he comes over to here to visit.
Yes you can. Just don't look at the price! Actually the process seem bad until you sit and work out out and realise how much UK prices have increased to...
It's back here today.

all day and frost overnight (-1C). I'm sitting in it at the moment in the balcony just waiting for it to disappear from sight around the corner. Then an hour of cleaning or lying down (back is murder today) and then off to meet up with my OH for lunch.
It's quite funny watching Australians go past in the morning all wrapped up. Tipsy was a lady pushing a pushchair. She was wearing amongst other things, hat, scarf, really thick padded mitts, a padded long coat with the good up, zipped up all the way and fleece lined boots! I was considering sitting outside for breakfast in my pjs!