Harder than Ronnie Pickering
- Location
- Meanwood, Leeds
I've just booked a flight from Boston back to the UK
I should warn you that it is in Essex.I like Grayson Perry's house.
If I don't engage the locals I should be fine visiting it.I should warn you that it is in Essex.
No, don't get engaged to any of them. We don't really need an Essex Weddings TV series. ( I just mistyped Essex as Exess and had a moment of illumination.)If I don't engage the locals I should be fine visiting it.
I think. The bed is more comfortable than my OAP chair, but not as 'social'. My muscles are currently objecting to being a position they have never been in before as a result of the fusion pulling my body into a position it has never held before - the correct one! It is objecting big time. I am literally counting the minutes till the next dose of morphine (12pm), have the heat mat on (which is too soon after the op but the alternative was an out of hours GP but it is away from the op site, mostly on my buttock muscles right now which feel like they have done 10 rounds with a baseball bat), and I'm in a more lying down position. I'm hurting. It is to be expected, but it does not help. It is going to be a hard few days whilst my body adjusts and I may have to talk to a GP about getting some diazepam... (or more accurately using the spare I happen to have from the first op when I went through something similar muscle spasm wise).
Going for walks helps but is exhausting me. It frees up the muscles and stops them complaining for a while, but other things complain instead not least of all my ability to control my legs! I have a feeling it is going to be a rough/tough few days.the physio exercises also help to a point, the point being my ability to do them. This next dose of morphine might be early! As could a dose of codeine. it helps a touch but not much sadly but right now anything that helps even a tiny weeny bit is needed... and then the paracetamol might also be due soon... need to go off and check my chart...
Jealous. We're all going to enjoy your blog...Sixteen working days left before I start my extended leave.
Well, when you say 'enjoy'....