Mundane News (Part 1)

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Leg End Member
First bus of the day, the 6:05 up.
Went down, 5 minutes ago.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
The internet on my daughters phone stopped working this morning. This meant that I had to drive into town so she could use my phone to download a discount voucher for a cheap MOT on her car. Kids, eh!?!
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Legendary Member
I got some ironing to do
There that didn't take long,
I've just been informed that I have a parcel being delivered today :hyper:


Naturist Smurf
First bus of the day is the 6:05 headed up. Every so often however it will be headed in the opposite direction, down. As it did this morning.
I'm also 4 miles(5 miles the long way round) from the depot as well as being at the far end of the bus route!
Hmmm. Are you sure it wasn't the staff run? I've seen a single-decker being driven after scheduled services have finished for the day, carrying people wearing FirstBus high vis tabards and wearing the FirstBus uniform. I think it's run to save money, so that the only driver who needs a taxi home is the driver of the staff run. I can well imagine a similar bus runs very early in the morning to pick up the drivers who are just starting work for the day. If it is the staff bus, the route will probably vary depending on which drivers need picking up or dropping off, so it will appear irregularly.
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