Mundane News (Part 1)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Oh, no ..... Sorry Arch. It's still worth watching :thumbsup:

Our fault for being too mean to go to the cinema... Would like to see it, probably wait for the DVD to hit the supermarket bargain bin. Mind you, we said that about Prometheus, and we haven't got round to seeing that yet! And Les Mis...

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Our fault for being too mean to go to the cinema... Would like to see it, probably wait for the DVD to hit the supermarket bargain bin. Mind you, we said that about Prometheus, and we haven't got round to seeing that yet! And Les Mis...

Skyfall is very good.


Midlands UK
Been looking at recipes for blackberry ice cream. Nigella's recipe is straight forward but another recipe calls for 6 eggs and vanilla and takes twice as long to make. If I do any I may use Nigella's recipe, might make me a domestic goddess :laugh:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
As we collected recycling on one of our Friday streets, a voice rang out in fury from an open window "I can't believe you're not listening to me!"

No, I remarked to my colleague, after all, everyone else is!

We once heard a woman walking past our skip compound, having a row over the phone. I think the phone was actually unnecessary, and the other person could probably hear her without it. We certainly could, for about 500 yards in each direction!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Been looking at recipes for blackberry ice cream. Nigella's recipe is straight forward but another recipe calls for 6 eggs and vanilla and takes twice as long to make. If I do any I may use Nigella's recipe, might make me a domestic goddess :laugh:

Will you pout and toss your hair about?
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