Muddy return to mountain biking

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^_^ - should be in the title - I'm still grinning head to toe.

Just back from a 30 miler off-road on my new mtb - couresty of a CC'er (@"Wild Rover"). Boy have I missed mountain biking. I have to confess to having taken it easy on some of the descents, a combination of nerves, loss of confidence after 2 years off a mtb, 1st ride on new mtb and a bag leg, oh and forgot to fit the nobblies, still on the semi-slicks which made life interesting in the mud. Some of the routes around here are lethal with mud at the moment, never a good sign when the horses are sliding 50cm or more in the mud... now know to avoid a couple in particular, give nature time to recover.
Anyhow - now back, got a very muddy bike, landlady's dog completely failed to recognise me because I'm covered in mud from head to toe (I was dog sitting for him until yesterday) even my hair needs a wash and really enjoyed it. Strangley the front forks seem quite clean in this photo - they are not... but then nothing is! Great ride and thought I would share it!

I have to say though from some of the comments from (mostly female) pedestrians and one or two other bikers, that it appears a 40 year old woman should not get covered from head to toe in mud and enjoy it! Most of the men I passed just grinned....


Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Happy bike cleaning! :biggrin:
I'm in the same boat SatNav. I've just bought an MTB - haven't had an off-roader for years. I've been out three times on it so far and the filth accrued is something else given the weather of recent. My other half gave me a smile today, walking in back from the ride, before she said 'off!' 'What?' I said. 'Everything,' came the reply.

And how much bike cleaner can I afford? :rolleyes:

And I did a 30 miler today too. ;)


Über Member
Looks very much like my 17 miler last week in the Forest of Dean, great fun!

Just be careful when cleaning around the fork seals, especially if it's a SR Suntour fork, as the seals aren't the best and if dirt gets washed in to the fork it can stiffen up, resulting in you having to take off the lowers and service the fork.


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
I have to say though from some of the comments from (mostly female) pedestrians and one or two other bikers, that it appears a 40 year old woman should not get covered from head to toe in mud and enjoy it! Most of the men I passed just grinned....

I think they're jealous because you're out there having fun, and it makes them feel old and boring.


Changed hemispheres!
I think they're jealous because you're out there having fun, and it makes them feel old and boring.

I suspect that is closer to the truth than any of them would care to admit.
round 2 comes today - my mother's face is going to be a picture (:hyper: ) when we turn up on their doorstep for lunch, she does not do dirty anymore and I can predict her first sentence "you will be wanting a shower, I'll get you some towels" - 22 miles mostly off road & single track country lanes just to get there - then home along the canal tow path going to be very muddy!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I have to say though from some of the comments from (mostly female) pedestrians and one or two other bikers, that it appears a 40 year old woman should not get covered from head to toe in mud and enjoy it! Most of the men I passed just grinned....
Sounds great (even though I never liked riding in muddy conditions - not because of the mess, but because of the damage done to the bike's moving parts)!

As for muddy 40 year old women - bring 'em on. Even better if they are sweaty, makeup-free and grinning ear-to-ear!


Über Member
Rugeley, Staffs
I'm in the same boat SatNav. I've just bought an MTB - haven't had an off-roader for years. I've been out three times on it so far and the filth accrued is something else given the weather of recent. My other half gave me a smile today, walking in back from the ride, before she said 'off!' 'What?' I said. 'Everything,' came the reply.

And how much bike cleaner can I afford? :rolleyes:

And I did a 30 miler today too. ;)

Got Muc off equivalent cleaner but tbh I'm out that often all I do is hose down at home (gentle garden hose pressure) while the mud is still wet, this removes most of it and use a soft brush on the forks and mechs - bounce the bike dry a few times - spray with WD40 (shifters, pedals, mechs and cables) and lube the chain next day before I go out. Works well for me, everything still operating smoothly. :thumbsup:


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
Although I don't mind getting muddy myself, I do have a lot of sympathy for those of you dealing with filthy bikes. I haven't had to break out anything more "serious" than the baby wipes here.


Über Member
Sounds great (even though I never liked riding in muddy conditions - not because of the mess, but because of the damage done to the bike's moving parts)!

mud is a no win situation.

you decide to go out, get covered in mud, spend ages cleaning the bke wishing you stayed indooors but if you stayed indoors, you wished you gone out!! :cursing:

anyways, the ground is drying up - no rain last night and looking at the forecast, none predicted until Tues ... hopefully will get out on the trails.... may even do a night ride now I have tewin LED lamps!!!:becool:
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