Yes, something has changed, both with F1 and Moto GP, its not the same, and I'm not sure what is is.
F1 has got too "scientific". Too much telemetry being monitored in the pits and live linked back to base where computers can run all sorts of calculations and real time the results back to the pit crews.
I am an old fogey, but I would ban all communications between driver or car and pits. Race Control may retain a dashboard warning system, but that's all. Then race strategy would be down solely to the driver.
For me, Moto GP has gone down a rabbit hole of aerodynamics and active suspension systems. I would do away with all of those, and simplify and standardise traction control. One setting. On or off. Up to each rider to decide when and how to use it.
I understand that all these suggestions go against the notion of the formulae being the most advanced, cutting edge technology. But when you end up with cars that can't pass without artificial (DRS) assistance, and bikes that can't follow close behind another one without cooking the front tyre, then something has got to change.
But, then, I am a bit of a Luddite.....