This Cycling Log thingy's a great little motivator in itself. When I logged in today I saw a little red arrow denoting that I'd gone down a place in the rankings.
So I've been our for a spin. Along Walstead road to Rushall Canal, along as far as the Tame Valley Canal, and along as far as the College Road Bridge. This is the first part of the route I may take to Erdington when I pop over and see a mate.
The Tame Valley towpath was a bit nasty. Narrow, and slippery as hell. I managed most of it in a pretty low gear but a fairly steady rhythm, at around 7-8 mph. Put a foot down on a fair few occasions, and had plenty of dicey moments. There is a concrete path but it's so overgrown that you can't
quite ride on it. It was mostly downhill so not too bad effort-wise. Getting towards the College Road end there was a series of locks and some pretty steep bits down the path.
I had a bit of a rest at College Road, mainly while I decided whether to go back along the road or the canal. In the end I plumped for the road, even though it was rush hour. Mainly because the traction on the towpath was poor, and I knew I'd struggle getting back up the steep bits. At least the road was dry. Mostly bus and cycle lanes too so not so bad, and the height gain was a nice gradual ascent (A34 towards Scott Arms, for those that know it) rather than several short savage bursts on a poor surface.
I think it would be nice in the summer.
My longest ride yet, 14.25 miles. Now I have to go another 6 (each way) to my girlfriend's house to get my dinner. That should get my place back in the rankings.