Most trivial change in your life time...

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terry huckle

New Member
The introduction of self adhesive postage stamps.

and the disappearance of string bags and police (tardis style) phone boxes.....oh and AA patrolmen no longer salute members.

Mr Phoebus

New Member
got-to-get-fit said:
club chocolate buscuits - the chocolate round em used to be as thick as mike tysons neck, now its as thin as the plot of coronation street.

They used to be proud of that...

♫ If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit, join our club...♫


rikki said:
In Australia, satsumas are a variety of plum. Tangerines are some sort of hybrid mandarin [citrus]

Satsumas are a very small citrus from, unsurprisingly, Satsuma in Japan - and do not look much like what we call 'satsumas' anyway. The Japanese have loads of varieties of citrus that are all different and some have amzingly scented flavours - used in cooking and in winter baths. I miss proper Japanese baths...

I think the most trivial change is the advent of web forums... or was that change to the trivial?


Smutmaster General
PaulB said:
People no longer throwing bog rolls at football matches.
Blimey! I'd forgotten about that! :eek:


Senior Member
Footballers no longer having names like Nobby or Bert or Chopper and starting to get poncy names like Phillipe or Juan.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Pottsy said:
Where did all the sparrows go?
I was also going to say that!

When I was a child, I used to sit and watch the birds in our back garden. If we put out something for them to eat, within seconds there would be a feeding frenzy of starlings and sparrows.

I visited my mother a few months ago, I noticed that that last few slices of her loaf had gone stale so I threw them out for the birds. Well, either birds have got very fussy over the last 40 years or they've gone somewhere else because the bread stayed there uneaten for the entire duration of my visit.

I'd heard that bird populations were dropping, but that really made it sink in :biggrin:.

The wasp population seems to have dropped as well. I had a really-not-a-great-idea-to-chuck-a-big-stone-at-that-wasp-nest experience in our garden when I was 5 years old :smile:! 20 or 30 stings later I'd learned a valuable life lesson - cute little buzzy black and yellow things are not my friends!

After that I spent many years in abject terror when there was a wasp nearby. Every time one entered the room I'd be desperate to get away from it but some smart-arse adult (teacher, parent, neighbour, long-lost third cousin (5 times removed)...) would say something like "Don't get in a flap - just be calm, sit down and ignore it - you'll be okay!" So I'd calm myself, sit down and do my best to ignore the wasp, only to have the murderous little bastard land on my neck and sting me :angry:!

It's just struck me that I've seen at most a few wasps a year for many years now. Time was when I'd have several a day coming into the house in the summer. I can't say I miss them... :eek:
The test card on TV was somehow reassuring. Also the TV used to close down at about half past eleven.

Further to the mention of Kit Kat wrappers above. You used to unwrap sweets, now you have to fight your way in.

Although I did had not watched Top of the Pops for the last twenty years, it was nice to know it was still there. I miss missing it.

Cheque books

Adding up in your head.


Workmen used to put a little stripey tent over the manhole and sit in there drinking tea.

Pulling out the Choke on a car to start it.

Mending things. I remember getting a new element for the kettle and taking the old one apart to repair it.

When buying anything electrcal (even a £200 TV), it came with just a bare cable and you had to buy a plug seperately and put it on.
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