Its safer at work than at home!
Not always ...
I'd just started my old factory job when someone made an elementary and painful mistake holding down a piece of carpet that he was cutting with a Stanley knife. He cut straight across the back of his hand ...
Someone else tried to clean some large glue-covered rollers by holding a wire brush against them as they rotated. He got pulled in up to his arm pit! How he didn't get his arm ripped off or at least badly broken I don't know. He got away with painful soft-tissue damage.
Someone else had his arms broken when the bolts holding the top part of a press broke while he was unloading it.
I accidentally flicked a rusty 4 inch nail into my eye when dismantling an old pallet using a claw hammer. I was rushed off to hospital, unable to see a thing and thinking that I'd blinded myself in that eye for sure. The doctor stained my eye with some special marker and let out a soft whistle. He told me that I was a very lucky young man - I'd actually put a scratch right across the eyeball without puncturing it! I was on antibiotics for a while and had to wear a patch for a week or two but my eyesight wasn't affected.
One from the office: It isn't a great idea to stand on a computer chair with castors, when changing the starter for a fluorescent light. It's even less sensible to get distracted by a buzzing wasp and swat at it when doing that... Yeah, a colleague did it. The chair went one way, and he went the other way, face-planting on the front edge of his desk. It wasn't pretty...
On the other hand (and talking of eyes), back to domestic accidents ...
My brother-in-law was given a train set for Christmas when he was a little boy. He unwrapped his present and was so excited when he saw what it was that he grabbed the train in one hand and a length of track in the other and ran towards his mother, shouting
"Mum, mum look what Santa's brought me!", tripped over and gouged an eye out in front of the whole family!