Two that i can immediately remember...
Airating the lawn with a garden fork. Stand there, ram the garden fork into the turf at 1 ft intervals. Its supposed to be good for the grass. I was working along the lawn, and my wife called me just as i was thrusting the fork downwards. I looked up...and the fork went straight through my trainers.
By some twist of passed between my big toe and the next one, never touched the skin, no mortal damage. Very very lucky.
Damn those venetian blinds wrapped in hard seethrough poly boxes.
I was struggling to cut one open, the staples wouldnt move, it was that hard the stanley knife flicked out in a millisecond and cut the top off one of my fingernails. A perfect circle of red flesh was all i could see. One of those moments when you almost scream, run up and down the landing (where did i think i was going ?

), grip your damaged finger with a vicelike grip while blood oozes out all over the place.
I tried to reproduce the movement later, to try to figure out how the hell it happened. Never did work it out .
Ooh, one of my dads...
He was an artist and used to do his own picture framing. he was cutting a cardboard mount with a straight edge and a stanley knife. You need to press the straight edge very firmly. He firmly ran the knife along the edge....and cut off his fingertip that was unknowingly sticking over the edge.
He stuck the 6mm long piece of finger back on and wrapped it up tight with plasters and a bandage. It mended ok.
Ahh, one of my mums..
Years ago she had an electric sewing machine. we heard a scream one day, she'd nearly fainted in agony and had a broken length of maybe 1mm diameter sewing needle straight through her fingernail and out the other side. Again, she hadn't got her finger out of the way. Hospital job. That wasn't funny