Mornington Crescent

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Just about surviving
Prince Regent


Do you know, I got to 35 before i discovered the full name of that team wasn't West Ham Nil?

They've got a statue of Jim Bowen outside their ground, If you press the button on it, it says "Come and look at what you could have won".

Anyway, back to the game.

OK, I have followed this game most of the day and well as it has been played I am not certain how it is going to end unless I step in at this point to point out that under the Schlesswig-Holstein convention (as set down in 1945 by Trumptington, Smythe and Cholmondley) it is is danger of reaching stalemate unless someone plays the Lyttleton sacrifice (and in doing so also gives up the advantage on the 2nd parallel).

Any rules boffins will be able to correct me but I do think I am right.

Thank you

Please carry on.
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