Found this on a quick search (Source Time Out New York)
How to
ride a unicycle
We tapped Long Islander and longtime unicyclist trainer Adam Cohen ( to show us how to ride around like a circus bear.—Drew Toal
Illustration: Atsuhiro Saisho
Step 1: Mounting
Place the saddle between your legs while bracing yourself with a wall or chair. Press one pedal toward the bottom of the wheel and use it like a step to levy your body. For steadying, Cohen suggests butting the uni against a woodblock. Don’t fall on your face!
Illustration: Atsuhiro Saisho
Step 2: Building command
After you’ve rotated your feet so that they’re parallel to the ground, bring your “favorite foot” in front and send your nonfavorite foot to the back. (This will feel awkward.) Slowly rock back and forth until you feel comfortable. “Remember to always tuck your shoelaces into your shoes and out of the way of the wheel,” says Cohen.
Illustration: Atsuhiro Saisho
Step 3: Steady now
“Support yourself against a wall and lean forward,” says Cohen. “Your feet will have no choice but to follow.” Stare straight ahead and make a full rotation of the pedals, then another, and another.
Illustration: Atsuhiro Saisho
Step 4: Roll out
You’re rolling, at last! And now you have a cool new skill.