Couldn't agree more. I was given a Garmin Vario for Christmas which came with a one sheet fitting guide, which was adequate for fitting it to the bike. I had to download the manual for instructions on how to pair it with my Edge. According to the manual they aren't compatible so the Vario was returned for a refund.However a bad app or manual is extremely frustrating and generally turns me away from the company.
This one or this one?Missing instructions leads to my frustrations with fixing a modern car - The old Haynes manuals (pre 1990?) were very good, the later ones less so, but at least they gave some help. i can't get a Haynes manual (even online) for our 2016 Ka+. The 'Owners Manual' is pretty useless - We have found the fuse data provided isn't correct eg remove fuse dedicated to 12V outlet, and it's still live! Likewise remove the fuse No 21 which should cut the radio, but it still works! Our friend's Daughter had the same model, and the fused don't all correspond to ours ie the 'unused blanks' In the fuse boxes differ. Very odd.
Check, it might be available to download!Thanks - it's the 2nd one (Ka+). That's weird because I looked before Christmas and it wasn't there - I guess they add new ones as needed?