Milestones was a fail, lets try a foreign one, no English language signs or names😄

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Eh up
eh up.jpeg

Should have spelt the horses "t'osses" and light "leet" they will probably come and correct it in a few weeks time.
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I don't mind a wind up but does this not reinforce the fact that little Englander's believe rules are for other people. And we know how this is panning out in the real world 🫣


Hobbs not quite true, we are just various tribes that walked out of Africa 🤔
Hobbs not quite true, we are just various tribes that walked out of Africa 🤔

Dismissing the Nationality of another as unimportant is pretty "Little Englander"ish, I would have thought?

I find it disrespectful. In the extreme.

I'm from a town, a county, a province, a country and a continent. They are all relevant and important to me at different times.

I love the concept of the British & Irish Lions* but I'm looking forward to hammering England in a few weeks and Wales make me nervous this year. I have a soft spot for Scotland but I do not want to lose to a team with Hogg and Finn feckin' Russel in it. ^_^

* For a long, long time they were referred to by a lot of people as the British Lions. I wonder why? 😕

And it's Hobbes - with an E.
I'd have thought someone as focused on rules would understand the significance of accurate spelling.

Since you wanted pictures........

Suggestions of what to do with such a pointy stone on a postcard....... ^_^

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I don't mind a wind up but does this not reinforce the fact that little Englander's believe rules are for other people. And we know how this is panning out in the real world 🫣

If you can’t say anything nice, please keep your trap shut.

Little Englander is a derogatory term used to describe someone who is fiercely patriotic and resistant to change or progress.
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