Milestones was a fail, lets try a foreign one, no English language signs or names😄

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I hope that you do give the same advice to the ones who posted on the milestone and kilometre threads. Its not all one way traffic .😂is this a forum or not i can take a wind up grow up or ban me.


Kilometre nibbler

European watershed: Water falling behind the bike will flow to Rumania and the Black Sea. Water falling in front will eventually reach Amsterdam.


Legendary Member
Photo Winner
Northern Germany
Into the woods... but this is a "Waldweg" or forest trail, so you can't use a car, motor scooter or horse and carriage...

I hope that path was wider than 2 metres young man or you'll be in trouble! In Baden-Württemberg the forestry rules clearly state:

"Nicht gestattet sind das Reiten auf gekennzeichneten Wanderwegen unter 3 m Breite und auf Fußwegen, das Radfahren auf Wegen unter 2 m Breite sowie das Reiten und Radfahren auf Sport- und Lehrpfaden; die Forstbehörde kann Ausnahmen zulassen. § 52 Abs. 2 Satz 2 des Naturschutzgesetzes bleibt unberührt."

(In English it basically means that cycling is not permitted on paths less than 2 metres wide, though exceptions may exist.)


Apologies, I couldn't resist. I happened this week, to need to disappear down the rabbit hole of access laws for cycling in Germany and was fascinated to learn of some of the arcane laws existing in some of the states, like, no cycling on paths narrower than 2m in Baden Württemberg.

In reality though, the caveat that " Some exceptions may apply" means I doubt anyone would seriously get into any trouble, though you never fully know with the Germans!
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