Miles or Km's? which do you use to record a ride?

Do you use Miles or Km's for recording distance travelled?

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Both I have two gps units, one in metric the other in imperial, I tend to ride to a set distance in Km's i.e. 50. 60Km's ect, but my own database is in (for the most part) imperial, but does show Km's but not Km/h
There's an British assumption that everyone's native measurement is miles. Where's "KM - I'll stick with what I know best"?

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
KMs for many reasons
1 I was brought up in a km country (and can easily convert if need be in my head)
2 I am strongly pro-metric
3 The kms align easily with the grids on OS maps
4 Sounds more than miles

For bike rides I know all my average speeds only in km

For running I do admit to looking at a mile average sometimes! And I convert my car consumption into mpg!


Miles for me, can't say I know why other than it's what I've always done.

My brother likes talking in KMs and I just smile and nod. I know the standard distances 5k/3 miles. 10k/6 miles, 20k/12 miles but anything else requires a more complicated than neccessary long winded mental arithmetic process - cue nodding and smiling.


The unlikely Cyclist
[QUOTE 3318795, member: 9609"]My befuddledness with measurements is temperature; A warm day is above 65 Fahrenheit and a cold day is below 5 centigrade - between these measurements I'm not sure what is going on.[/QUOTE]
Its not just me then :laugh::laugh:
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