Good to see some solidarity from the cycling community on
That's a rather naive thing to write. Just because we all ride cycles, and frequent this forum we have some sort of invisible bond and share the same political view as you?
Of all the forums /forumae/ foree I have frequented, this one is the most refreshing because we don't agree. We will disagree with people on here, and vent our frustration at them in the hope of getting our point across.
Pulling some sort of cycling-brotherhood angle on this won't cut the ice with this lot.
We can and do look beyond the surface to see what is really going on, and '
ironically' enough, if the usual 100 CM riders had done just that and thought a little more about where the extra 400 'concerned cyclists' came from, and why the ride insisted on going to Stratford instead of riding at walking pace round Parliament Square for 4 hours, then a 'disabled' protester wouldn't have been pepper-sprayed in the first place?