We have plenty of free time and have always been a bit nocturnal but..
... 5 years ago I was mis-diagnosed with a hideous terminal disease (took ages to rule it out) which refocused our lives and we decided, amongst other things, that Saturday night would be party night every week in our house as life is so damn short. I'm 65 and Mrs SD is 58 so we are heading into the back end of life so to speak.
We kick off around 6 or 7pm Saturday and run through to 5 to 7am Sunday morning. Probably only missed a couple of handfuls of nights in all that time - illness, friends visiting etc.
We play games, listen to lots of loud music, dance (her great, me crap but I try), put the world to rights and generally chew the cud plus some lovey-dovey stuff. In short we have an absolute blast.
Sunday is a recovery day and we just doss, have a big brekkie, hit the sack early and have a 'Kindle & Cuddle' night, as we call them, to recharge.
Most of our friends think we are mad!
No "other assistance" just gin/wine/fizz and sausages!