Yet more and more cars are being forced into the city centre every few months. As they constantly remove car parks to build more and more overpriced apartments.
When I started working in the city centre 3 years ago, I parked about 15 minute cycle away, took it in my car and then cycled through the centre. The price was increase to that ABOVE city centre prices, and then later closed. I then rented a space from a friend who lived on the edge of Salford and cycled in. When he moved, I found a car park that was again closer into the city, about a 10 minute walk. 18 months ago it was £12 per week, within 12 months it had climbed to £27 per week! As more and more car parks closed, and this was getting full by 8am.
A few months ago, that too closed so that they can build apartments on it, 1 bed apartments for £900 pcm! There are now 600 cars from that car park alone that need to find more spaces.
Manchester need to increase the quantity of parking at the edges, as the current trend of allowing car parks on the edges to be removed in favour of more accomodation is what is forcing the cars into the city centre.
Previously I have been unable to use trains as I often work outside of the hours which the trains are running, thankfully, I have an understanding employer. Who has given me permission to work reduced hours (at the same salary), and plan shifts around train times. But I understand I am extremely lucky in that, but there are many that won't be lucky. Manchester housing is far too expensive, so many commute from cheaper surrounding areas, but then Manchesters policies make it difficult for those people to travel into the city, it's bizarre.