Hoping to take part in this this year. I know people are saying that you don't need to pay, but I don't mind paying. My mileage is down so I've decided to basically see how I feel the night before and then look at the weather and take the road bike and do 100 miles or the mtb and the 100k with my dad if its peeing down. Anyone know if I can just enter on the day? Failing that, as a few mention, I can just ride along!
Seriously, don't pay. They don't deserve it. Do the route and if you feel like it, send the entry fee off to your charity of choice. There's no way it's worth the entry fee. I've always been bitterly disappointed with the sugging and money grabbing these charlatans charge and what you get for it is nowhere near worth it. Have the guts to ride the route you want to ride and ignore the fact they just happen to want money for the privilege that particular day.