people who need to average a certain speed to avoid the sag wagon, which is the point of the thread
(personally, I find the maths interesting. It seems intuitively obvious that doing a distance at one speed and the same distance at another speed, then the average should be the mean of the two numbers. )
Intuitively obvious, but as
@TheJDog almost points out, wrong. Speed is a time-weighted measure (distance divided by time), so you need to think about the
time you've spent doing each bit, not the distance you've done.
It is, honestly, interesting.
In this context, if you're spending half an hour slogging two miles up Leith Hill at 4mph you need to spend half an hour pelting along on the flat (or downhill) at 19.5mph to make the average up to the required 11.8mph. In that half-hour you've got to do nearly 10 miles. If you've spent half an hour with your feet up having a sit down you've got to spend half an hour doing 23.6mph. In that half-hour you've got to do nearly 12 miles.
I suspect my beloved stoker wishes I hadn't set the maths out in quite that way. As, to be honest, do I.
(OK, Leith Hill itself is only a mile, but Box Hill is a bit longer, as is the hill up to Newland's Corner. Fortunately there are plenty of very wide, fast roads to make up, and with two of us on the bike we win downhill, even if we lose uphill.)