Lycra short etiquette

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Ah well next time use a cucumber if it is un-needed on that day it will keep better for the next and can take a lot more fondling than a banana before it droops into mush ^_^


Do more.
Haha I was fondling it intently. All in vain as it turned out :smile:

Haha... You misspelled vein ;-)

"Thanks, I'll be here all evening. Enjoy the buffet"

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I should do. I went out with him for five years. Hence the awkwardness. Were it not for that I'd happily take in the whole eyeful hehe
You went out with him for 5 years?????
And you're shy?
Ah, the youth of today :laugh:;)
Just tell him: look, here, could you kindly cover your fruit bowl when we are having a conversation, we are not an item anymore :excl:
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