Proud Daddy
- Location
- Deepest darkest Dorset
Keep increasing your milleage too. It was slow for me until I was going consistently 70 miles a week. I now have the trouble of slowing it down as I'm doing 100+
I've put on about a stone since I started cycling again. I now cycle to places that I used to walk to and so burn off fewer calories.
I also eat snack foods after cycling that I never ate before. Presumably I'm consuming more calories than I'm burning off.
cycling burns less than walking when considering same distance? i didnt think that was so?
Just think about running a marathon, then cycling the same distance. I know I would be totally shot by the end of the run, but would only just be warmed up biking it.
I have always found that my metabalism increases when ive been cycling a while, trick is to eat healthy. I dont just mean for weight loss either! i have found that it completely changes my attitude. for instance something heavy makes me lethargic, gotta use the right fuel!
Cycling is more efficient than walking so riding a given distance would burn fewer Calories than walking it. If you don't believe me, go out for a level 100 km walk fuelled only by a couple of sandwiches and a piece of cake and report how you feel afterwards! An even moderately fit cyclist could do that in 5-10 hours without any problems.cycling burns less than walking when considering same distance? i didnt think that was so?
Cycling is more efficient than walking so riding a given distance would burn fewer Calories than walking it. If you don't believe me, go out for a level 100 km walk fuelled only by a couple of sandwiches and a piece of cake and report how you feel afterwards! An even moderately fit cyclist could do that in 5-10 hours without any problems.
I think it is more a case of how long the exercise lasts. A 5 hour brisk walk would require a similar level of effort as a 5 hour brisk cycle ride, though there would be more wear and tear on your body on the walk.
hi...ive taken up cycling again after 20 odd years to try to lose weight and get my blood pressure down...
do posters think cycling will achieve this...and will leisurely cycling be any good or do you really need to build up a sweat...
ive gotten into the habit of cycling for an hour every morning...maybe doing 10 or 11 miles...
im enjoying it...but have posters had any experience of whether it would be effective..
im 16 stone and 5 10 so really need to start losing weight...
appreciate any response...
One thing is losing weight, and another entirely is keeping it off. Studies show that people who start an endurance sport with the main purpose of losing weight, tend to stop that activity in the short to medium term. Whereas people who turn that activity into a focus of their passion, by for example, becoming competitive, racing etc. actually stop caring so much about the weight loss, but persevere with the activity, and maintain the new healthy weight as a by-product.
So my advice to you is to find something about cycling (or another endurance sport) that will make you want to do it for it's own sake. That and healthy adjustments to your diet will sort you out. And remember losing weight gradually is better than losing it fast.