Losing too much weight

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A good blend of carbs & protein & you can't go far wrong in maintaining or improving your weight dependent on the amount you eat. Meals wise potatoes are excellent carbs when eaten healthy such as jacket potatoes ,boiled, mashed & rice is excellent too when boiled. Healthy proteins such as white meats like turkey & chicken are what you need as well so are fish like tuna & salmon. Soya beans are packed high in protein but baked beans are good too add them to jacket potatoes for a basic meal but add low fat cottage cheese or tuna & it'll increase the protein & be proper training food.


As the saying goes, "Porridge make 'eth the man"
For weight gain you want to be sure your fully fueled first thing in the morning and late at night too. +1 to all the protein and carb advice above...work hard, play hard and make sure you properly rest too...results will come with perseverance :smile:


Well-Known Member
All this talk of super lean foods ... surely there's room for a pie in that diet !

A pie can be a fine combination of meat/protein and fat. Steer clear of supermarket pies especially at the cheaper end of the market, they'll have questionable processed meat and fake-factory fats that are bad for you. Home made or from a trusted local source that uses unprocessed meat and fats your granny would recognise can be very nutritious, enjoyable, and be reasonably dense in longer lasting (low to medium GI) calories.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
...but possibly the most fun...

Indeed, 25 years later and still trying to shed the beer belly but not once have I had to worry about being too skinny


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
I ate much more than that when I was your age.
I remember hopping home after school, having a pie with cauli and four potatoes (could have been more, certainly wasn't less). And probably some form of desert.
Then went out swimming. We stopped off an McD's before coming home (this was when it was still a novelty), had a big mac with large fries, followed by a quarter pounder with medium fries.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this already, but Chris08, you're almost exactly the same height and weight as Bradley Wiggins.

Don't worry, Chris08, you are what is commonly known as "A Growing Lad". At your age, your metabolism and hormones will be all over the place. Just wait until you hit your mid-20s and it all starts to settle down a bit, and you'll soon be longing for the return of these halcyon days. <sigh>

Or, to put it in the immortal words of Arnold Rimmer...

When you're younger you can eat what you like, drink what you like, and still climb into your 26" waist trousers and zip them closed. Then you reach that age, 24-25, your muscles give up, they wave a little white flag, and without any warning at all you're suddenly a fat bastard.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned this already, but Chris08, you're almost exactly the same height and weight as Bradley Wiggins.

Don't worry, Chris08, you are what is commonly known as "A Growing Lad". At your age, your metabolism and hormones will be all over the place. Just wait until you hit your mid-20s and it all starts to settle down a bit, and you'll soon be longing for the return of these halcyon days. <sigh>

Or, to put it in the immortal words of Arnold Rimmer...

Hahah, just searched Bradley Wiggins and it came up with Height: 6ft 3 and Weight: 10.9 stone.

That's weird.

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