Lorry Blind-Spots.

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Nr Cambridge
My problem with the video is that people watching it who don't know any better might think "well if those stupid b****ard lorry drivers would adjust their mirrors correctly, they might be able to see better", or "why is the meat-head lorry driver steering towards those cyclists anyway, surely he must have seen them on approach to the junction ...... because of course cyclists would NEVER cycle up the inside of a left turning lorry ...... would they?"

Granted, the video might serve it's purpose but in the process it doesn't portray a very good image of lorry drivers, and paints lorries as much more dangerous machines than they actually are.
Guarantee me that every lorry driver has looked properly in all their mirrors. Guarantee me that all lories have their mirrors correctly adjusted. Hell guarantee me that the HGV has it's full complement of mirrors! You can't guarantee me that, I regularly see lorries with mal-adjusted & missing mirrors especially on the near side, so this sort of video makes perfect sense.

mark st1

Plastic Manc
Leafy Berkshire
Oooooops! Didn't mean to cause an argument! :ninja:.

Good thread mate you can beat a bit of interesting debate lol


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
As far as I can can tell the HAT's (that's hairy arse truckers);) Mark and Bran have only mentioned that the video is factually incorrect which it is. Everyone agrees that the video highlighting the dangers of undertaking a large vehicle is a good thing
Thank you :thumbsup:. I do remember mentioning this in at least one of my replies, that educating other road users is a good thing. But some respondents prefer to gloss over that small fact :rolleyes:.

Be thankful that those 'meatheads' can be bothered to deliver upto 95% of the consumer goods that you and everyone else use whilst working in an indsutry where the wage (agency) has not risen in the last fifteen years.
The wages have actually gone DOWN, by a considerable amount, in the past ten years. And I am not talking about their value in relation to inflation; the actual amount of currency paid has dropped! The going rate for driving an artic in these parts 10 years ago was in the region of £9 or £10 per hour. Now it is £7.50 to £8. And people wonder why we don't want to fork out for irrelevant nonsensical courses to stay in the transport industry. If I had a crystal ball 8 years ago, I would not have spent in the region of £1500 to get my class 1 (artic) licence; the industry is broken with a capital "F".
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