Your so wrong ive been polite agreed with everything that has been said agreed its a good thing to highlight and gave an OPINION not a fact. Im allways open to be taught anything as there are people far more qualified than me in life.
However to be told i need to pay between a minimum of £40 a day out of my own pocket to sit in a classroom for 35 hours without pay and "be educated" to please an EU legislation. If your happy to do that on my pay your more than welcome buddy.
I thought the idea behind the DCPC was to improve driver safety, address bad habits they may be getting themselves into, such as not bothering to check if their mirrors are in the correct positions, to point out little things that most drivers miss, such as 20 odd amendments to the highway code on 2007... and overall, make the roads a safer place for all road users. My only problem with the DCPC is it should be for all drivers... you don't attend a short course every five years, you lose your licence to drive. simple as that.
What we have at present is too many 'don't give a toss' drivers who take their licence for granted.
as for the cost, diddums... if you want to watch TV it costs 140odd pound a year out of your own pocket... so what? Life has expenses. Seeing as your career a driver depends on getting a DCPC, I'm flabbergasted you're moaning about a new expense which is less than a pound a week.
I'm not a professional driver, but i can tell that the image in my avatar shows a truck turning, and i can tell that the nearside mirrors will show nothing more than the side of the trailer from the drivers point of view.
The reason i have that avatar is to help illustrate to people just how vulnerable they can be should they cycle up the inside of a slow moving wagon approaching a junction... you can argue all you want claiming it shows drivers in a bad light or whatever other feeble arguments you've made in slating the video in the OP... it doesn't change the fact that cyclists should keep well away from long vehicles in such situations.